The dream of every Pre-Medical student in Pakistan is to get admission to King Edward Medical University, Lahore, or any medical school in Pakistan.
The PMDC MDCAT is a critical exam for students seeking admission to medical colleges in Pakistan. It is an important milestone for their academic career, and the importance of doing well on this test cannot be overstated.
During or after taking the FSc exams you need to apply for UHS MDCAT (Punjab) and in this article, we are going to discuss the mechanism of PMDC MDCAT Registration (2022). Before going into the discussion of the process to apply for MDCAT registration, you should know that the PMC has been dissolved by the Govt. of Pakistan and there is a re-emergence of the older PMDC. And there are numerous changes that are going to take place in the MDCAT test.
Let’s have a quick brief on How to apply for MDCAT 2022 and then we will discuss How the re-emergence of PMDC affects the overall UHS MDCAT process.
PMDC MDCAT Registration 2022
As PMC is dissolved the process of registration will not remain the same as devised by PMC. The registration process will be completely online and you will need an internet connection to apply for MDCAT from home otherwise you can visit the nearest Internet Cafe to apply for PMDC MDCAT. Here’s a quick review of How to apply for MDCAT in 2022.
- Now as things have changed for PMC and PMC is replaced by PMDC, there are bright chances that the MDCAT registration will be held according to previous fixtures i-e each provincial MDCAT registration will be specified by a specific university.
- So, the registration process for Punjab and Balochistan students will be held by UHS MDCAT Registration 2022 which will start in a few days (probably).
- For the students of Sindh, registration will be held on the NTS website while for KPK the registration will be on the ETEA website.
- We have covered this topic in detail in the next sections so continue reading with us.
Eligibility Criteria for PMDC MDCAT 2022
To be registered for MDCAT, you must:
- Be a Pakistani national.
- Be at least 17 years of age on the date of the test.
- Have completed 12 years of schooling or have an equivalent qualification.
Here in this section, as we have promised you, we will discuss How things will change after the reemergence of PMDC by Govt. of Pakistan?
Numerous things are going to change for Pre-Medical and Medical students but here we are only going to share the information regarding the Pre-Medical students.
MDCAT Fee Structure Changes
The heinous change made by PMC last year was the change in the fee structure of MDCAT from a few hundred to 6000 rupees. This change not only affects many parents but also shatters the dreams of many students who can’t afford 6000 rupees for the registration process only. With the revisit of PMDC, there is a chance that the fee structure will be revised to the older one or slightly higher because of the inflation in the country and all over the world. This is a possible sigh of relief for many students.
What will happen to students who have already paid the fee for MDCAT? As students have paid to the Government institute there are bright chances that you will get a refund of a handsome amount after deduction of the revised MDCAT fee.
Provincial MDCAT Not National MDCAT
PMC has made another rule of single MDCAT for the whole country. This was not welcomed by most teachers, students, and other responsible authorities because of the syllabus and teaching caliber differences among different Pakistani provinces.
So we can hope that PMDC will revise this alteration and there will be a rebirth of the Provincial MDCAT where each province will have a separate MDCAT on separate dates.
Following universities will have the Provincial MDCAT in different provinces.
- UHS Lahore in Punjab, Balochistan, and Azad Kashmir.
- Khyber Medical University in KPK
- Jinnah Sindh Medical University in Sindh.
Syllabus Alteration
This is going to be bad news for the students. PMC had revised the syllabus and included only a few topics from all the books of Pre-Medical in Pakistan i-e from Federal to Sindh and from Punjab to KPK.
But the overall chunk of the syllabus was minor as compared to the PMDC provincial mdcat syllabus. So, now after the rebirth of PMDC, there are solid chances that the bulk of the syllabus will increase but the good thing is that you have to go through the books you have already read. So, buckle up guys, you need to study hard to achieve what you are willing to achieve.
Difficulty Level of Test
It was seen that the National MDCAT by PMC was based on difficult MCQs, reportedly taken from some Indian sites or other medical sources, making things difficult for the previous batch. We hope the reversal of this system and more logical and With-In Syllabus MCQs will be asked in PMDC MDCAT 2022.
MDCAT 2022 Format
Oh! This is the best part. PMC had changed things in format and added additional MCQs as well as added Logical Reasoning sorts of questions that will be out of the PMDC MDCAT now. Moreover, the number of MCQs will also change and will be according to UHS MDCAT as done in the near past. Negative marking will not be included as PMDC had already removed this mechanism from their last MDCAT held a couple of years back.
The number of MCQs will be different now as, for reference, the following is the UHS MDCAT 2018 pattern:
- Biology 80 MCQs
- Chemistry 60 MCQs
- Physics 40 MCQs
- English 20 MCQs
Finally, the now PMDC MDCAT will be held on paper (providing Carbon Paper and Key) not Online, and will be given on the same date all over a Province. So the bias-ness because of the online system will be ruled out and everyone will be rewarded on the same criteria.
No Discrimination
There were some cases where some students got a relatively easy paper while others got the other extreme. So, parents, teachers, and students were not satisfied with this thing. Now, as PMDC is back, things might get better for students.
All this discussion is tentative and probably it will go in the same manner. But, overall PMDC is a good thing for students not only for Pre-Medical but also for medical students.
For MDCAT 2022 Preparation According to MDCAT 2022 Syllabus CLICK HERE