Passing intermediate with good marks makes you happy, but your dream of becoming a doctor needs a little more extra effort. And that effort is “attempting and passing the MDCAT.” Although the MDCAT syllabus is mostly from your previous classes, this paper is a whole different thing from your previous papers.
Keen learning, clearing concepts, intense study, seeking help from skilled teachers, and proper time management will help you achieve higher marks in MDCAT. Stay positive and passionate about your dream, and you will succeed one day, indeed!
So let’s discuss the problem of how to get good marks in MDCAT for every student like you in steps.
How to Get Good Marks In MDCAT
To get good marks out of MDCAT total marks or secure a top position in MDCAT is possible. You just need to pay your full attention and devotion. This MDCAT guide will help you stepwise. Let’s discuss it.
First, prepare your mind.
It’s a full three months of dedication. As the students complete their intermediate, no one wants to study again. But students who have dreams of becoming a doctor or dentist never think about rest. They start preparing for MDCAT right after their papers. So, for this enthusiasm, you need to prepare your mind first.
Let’s start focusing.
After making up your mind, it’s time to focus on your studies. This point is not essential at the start; it is an overall need. The three-month period may bore you; you feel irritated and sometimes procrastinated. The solution to all these problems is one, focus on your goal, read the stories and interviews of MDCAT toppers, and listen to motivational speeches. All these things will boost you up.
Download the syllabus of the MDCAT
Download the syllabus from the official website of the Pakistan Medical Commission, which comprises five subjects with several topics. Once you download, start your preparation.
Which Book Is the best For MDCAT Preparation In Pakistan
There are several best books for preparing for the MDCAT examination and achieving maximum marks in it. Best books for MDCAT Preparation are always textbooks but you have studied textbooks in FSC again and again and Now you need practice of MCQs to sharpen your concepts. The best book for MDCAT MCQs practice is PMC MDCAT Book which is according to PMC Syllabus 2022 and includes all subjects.
Logical Reasoning
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How to Study for MDCAT in Pakistan
Studying for MDCAT is not simple, as you are going to take an exam that will decide your future. So, keep reading these MDCAT tips and tricks.
Make A Time Table
It is crucial; a timetable and time management are things that you should never neglect. Make a proper timetable according to your daily work. Give the right time to your health; eating, sleeping, and exercising time. Pray and play are essential points, and the rest of the time should be for studying, which means 8 to 12 hours a day.
Select a Learning Technique
Listening to lectures, preparing the topic, testing yourself, or taking a mock test and checking it with your teacher is a good technique. Constantly analyze your weakness. Give more time to complex subjects and pay full attention to English because grammar and composition are essential things that will remain helpful throughout your life.
Seek Guidance
All living beings need a guide; similarly, students always need a person who can guide, teach, and support them. Ustad foundation is one of the names that offer such devotion and thoroughly helps you succeed in the MDCAT.
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
Another thing that is necessary while studying MDCAT books is to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. What concepts are complex? In which subject you feel you are weak. Focus on them, give extra time to them, and try to clear your concepts. And most importantly, ask your teacher again and again, as the MCQ test is basically designed to check your concepts.
Practice is the most crucial point while preparing yourself for the MDCAT. But what type of practices do you need? I will discuss them below.
Learn and test yourself
Do proper learning and test yourself from time to time. The best way is to revise your lesson; revision tells you what you actually have in your mind and what you have forgotten. Because many times, when we learn something, we feel that a particular concept or topic is not too difficult for us, and that is the point where we make mistakes. Never consider any point or subject less important; it will put you in a problem.
Mock test
Mock tests are a perfect solution to pass the 210 MCQs in 210 minutes. Not only will you know about your preparations, but the mock test will also help you figure out if your time management strategy is good or not.
Moreover, you will understand the pattern easily, and also practicing will help you become a master of attempting such a paper righteously without wasting time.
Past papers
As the MDCAT syllabus includes what you have already learned in matric and intermediate, the past MDCAT papers help you in understating what type of questions are a part of the examination. After reading those past papers, you can easily evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
Calculation without calculator
A calculator is not allowed in the MDCAT examination. It means you have to do all calculations by yourself without any aid. So, while preparing yourself, never use a calculator, do all practice without it; as a consequence, you will become habitual to it and do calculations in less time.
Keep your body and mind healthy.
Health is the most crucial thing; you never take it for granted. Keeping your body and mind healthy and active for better preparation and results is vital. So, a proper diet and adequate sleep are necessary for a healthy mind and body.
Don’t let the negative thoughts spoil you.
While studying or preparing for MDCAT exams might sometimes make you bored. The burden of such an important paper often brings some negative thoughts to your mind. Remember, what you think directly affects your mind and body. So, never let evil thoughts roam around you and badly affect your soul.
How many marks are required for MDCAT in Pakistan?
There is no restriction or required number for appearing in the MDCAT. Still, it is mentioned that 65% of marks in the intermediate are necessary for MDCAT.
How to get the highest marks in MDCAT?
Proper learning, time management, learning strategy, seeking guidance from skilled teachers, and practice, all these points will combine and contribute to getting you the highest marks in MDCAT.
How to clear MDCAT in Pakistan?
Your passion for your dream, dedication to your profession, proper guidance, and thorough learning will help you clear your exam on the first attempt rather than having the choice of many. Many online academies properly guide you, clear your concepts and make you prepare for the exam by giving mock tests.
The Final Thought
How to get good marks in MDCAT is no more a mystery for you. Now you can also become a topper by following the steps mentioned above. These points are a complete guideline for a successful future, follow them, and you will be a future doctor for sure!
For MDCAT 2022 Preparation According to MDCAT 2022 Syllabus CLICK HERE